Nearly 300 people showed just how “fearless” they are on Friday the 13th and attended The Arc Maryland’s 2016 convention in May. The day started with an inspirational story of facing your fears when life throws you a curve ball by Brian Boyle. Donning their superhero capes, attendees mingled with 20 exhibitors, and cheered on the winners of The Arc Maryland’s annual awards. (See separate story in this e-newsletter.)
The afternoon workshops were often standing-room only! Feedback on our surveys shows that attendees liked the hotel and lunch (better dessert next year!) and thought our program was the best in years!
Our first annual photo booth was a huge success! To see your fun photos, click here. Once on the website for Monumental Photos, click on the Gallery tab, click on The Arc Maryland Convention and our password is “Fearless.”
Thank you again to our great Convention Committee members: The Arc Baltimore – Chris Knoerlein; The Arc Carroll County – Mary Jo Walla; The Arc Central Chesapeake – Angie DeMoreland; The Arc Howard County – Linda Lombardi; The Arc Montgomery County – Ellen Franks & Deborah Mark; The Arc Northern Chesapeake – Andrea Lynn; The Arc Prince George’s County – Michelle Howell & Melissa Ezelle; and The Arc Southern Maryland – Jennie Parran, as well as Linda Brown, Cristine Marchand and Susan O’Brien of The Arc Maryland. We would also like to thank Joan Scott for volunteering to take photos at this year’s event.
The Convention wouldn’t be possible without our sponsors and exhibitors. Please make sure to follow up with them about their services and products. Special thanks to our signature sponsors: TransDev, Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration, Amerigroup, & The Arc Northern Virginia Special Needs Trust.
Our 2017 Convention will be held on Friday, May 19, at the BWI Hilton in Linthicum. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!