Join members of The Arc and fellow self-advocates, family members, professionals, volunteer leaders, and partners from other nonprofits and government agencies at The Arc Maryland’s 2024 Convention & Awards Banquet on May 30th at Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott City!
Our 2024 Convention theme is Leading the Way! In Maryland, we are leading the way as a technology-first, employment-first state. We are implementing the end of restraint and seclusion in our schools, we have ended 14c certificates, we have made significant progress with our rates and LTSS transitions, we lead the way on important legislation and policy initiatives. On May 30th, you will have the opportunity to learn how our community is leading the way in Maryland, and what resources are out there for you to lead your way!
The 2024 Statewide Convention and Awards Banquet will feature breakout presentations in exciting areas, the chance to network with other advocates around the state, and a celebration of our community leaders in improving the lives of adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Meet Our Plenary Speaker: Collette Divitto
Collette Divitto is a seasoned entrepreneur and advocate who has Down syndrome. Because she was determined not to let rejection stop her from earning a living and doing meaningful work, Collette decided to turn her passion for baking into a business, and founded Collettey’s Cookies. After approaching a local grocery store and asking if they would sell “The Amazing Cookie,” the store became her first of many clients. Knowing firsthand the struggles that people with Down syndrome endure while looking for employment, Collette decided that her company would be not just a means of earning a living, but it would have a greater mission – to create jobs for other people with disabilities.
To date, Collette has sold over 400,000 cookies, and Collettey’s Cookies now employs 15 people, several with disabilities. She also founded Collettey’s Leadership, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, in 2018 to provide workshops, training, empowerment, and leadership for those with or without (dis)abilities.
Collette travels the country sharing her story and encourages people to focus on their abilities. Her ultimate goal is to work with lawmakers in Washington, D.C. to create policies that would increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Collette is one “smaat” cookie. You can read more about Collette and Collettey’s Cookies on her website here.
Hotel Information
The Statewide Convention & Awards Banquet takes place at Turf Valley Resort, located at 2700 Turf Valley Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21042.
The Arc Maryland has a special rate for Convention Attendees of $139.00 plus service fees on May 29th, the night before the Convention. You can get this rate when booking your room on their website here using the group code 28G0Z1. You can also book a room by calling Turf Valley at 410-465-1500 or 888-833-8873 and using the above group code!
Breakout Sessions and Tracks
Each of the day’s nine breakout sessions features subject matter experts ready to share their experience and knowledge with you. Sessions at the 2024 Convention are part of three Breakout Tracks. Stay tuned to find out topics and tracks!
Thank You to Our Convention Sponsors!
Change Agent


American Door Co.


Lori and Charlie Scott


Sharon & Kevin Dols
Ande & Marc Kolp

This project is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,265,982 with 100% funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.