Our Annual Governmental Affairs Retreat will be a virtual event this year via Zoom. With input from our valuable partners, we will be reviewing our priorities for the year and putting together an action plan to prepare for the Legislative Session. Please register yourself and others for the retreat on Monday, November 16th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Now is the time to make a difference!
New this year, select your discussion topic small group ahead of time and we will send out pre-retreat materials so you arrive well-prepared for a robust and lively discussion! Please register soon. To allow enough time for the mailing of retreat materials, registration closes on November 10, 2020.
10:00 am – 11:30 am: Individual Presentations from our Federal, State, and Local Partners: “The State of the Country and the State of Maryland”
11:45 am- 12:15 pm: Working Lunch & Networking
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm: Small Group Work, Goal Setting, & Advocacy Activity Planning
If you have any questions about the retreat or have any difficulty registering, please contact Luc Chausse at lchausse@thearcmd.org.