House and Senate hearings on the proposed FY 2018 Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Budget were held this week, as was the BRFA (Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act). The BRFA is the mechanism for the DDA 3.5% Rate Restoration. Testifying on BRFA for the Rate Restoration on behalf of The Arc Maryland were Laura Carr (Senate), Vice President of the Board, and Executive Director Cristine Marchand (House). Kathleen Durkin, Deputy Executive Director of The Arc Baltimore, and The Arc Howard County Executive Director Cindy Parr testified on behalf of MACS. Strong support has been voiced by key members of both chambers, while the legislative budget analyst recommended a rate increase of only 1%.
At the DDA Budget hearings, The Arc Maryland testified in strong support of the budget that fully funds Transitioning Youth, Emergencies, Crisis Resolution and begins a new Waiting List initiative; with request for full funding of the mandated 3.5% rate increase.
The Arc Maryland’s panel focused on Transitioning Youth and the Waiting List. Testifying in the House were Aaron Stephens on behalf of The Arc Maryland, Wayne Wallace (Transitioning Youth from Calvert County), and Mary Moore (Waiting List from Harford County.) Senate panelists were Cristine Marchand, Michael Jijistar (TY from Harford County), and Carol Fried (Waiting List of Montgomery County). Bill Loyd, The Arc Montgomery County Executive Director, testified in the Senate for the 3.5% Rate Increase. For information on the budget, click here.
Speaking on the importance of funding for the Waiting List, Mary Moore testified, “My sons and I began living in a motel room and became homeless.” Mary explained how The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region intervened and located a home for the family. “I cannot tell you how much the Waiting List funds helped!”
“I am working for a lawyer’s office,” beamed Wayne Wallace as he testified on how Transitioning Youth funding supported him to make a seamless transition from school to work. “You can see how this money helps. I am doing what interests me and making money and enjoying my life,” Wallace said as he requested the committee to support the Governor’s budget for the next group of students exiting school.
Advocacy is still needed to restore the 3.5% mandated rate increase for providers. “The heartbeat of services is the direct support staff professions. We know our constituency’s quality of life depends upon a stable, qualified workforce,” said Aaron Stephens, Public Policy Fellow with The Arc Maryland. In the Senate, Michael Jijistar, as an apprentice with an auto mechanic shop, illustrated how TY funds help get jobs; Carol Fried spoke about how her and son David’s lives have changed as a result of receiving Waiting List funds.